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Full automatic multi-functional PVC blowing injection moulding machine

1.PLC program control of industrial man-machine interface,Display of tactile screen,Full automatic operation
2.Full state control. intuitively set of parameters.
3.Equipped with air blow system. the produce is light-weight & soft & micro-foraming & highly-felxibility & bright surface & no painting & environmental.
4.Save energy.
5.Produce all kinds of slippers, Single & Double & three color soles, three color upper

Video link : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzc0Mzk5NjUy.html

Suitable Material : PVC TPR
Produce : various kinds of pvc soles, silpper, sandler, strap, etc.

Items Units KR38024Q-X3
Material kind TPR、PVC
Mould stations stations 20、24、30
Injection capacity(Max.) g 700×250×2
Injection measuring accuracy g ±0.5
Injection pressure kg/cm² 760/900×2
Diameter of screw mm 65/45×2
Rotate speed of the screw r/min 1-160/180×2
Clamping pressure kn 700×2
Mold size mm 500×350×280
Power of heating plate kw 12
Power of motor kw 18.5+11
Oil pump pressure Mpa 21×2
Power of machine kw 41.5
Dimension(L×W×H) M 8.5×3.8×2.5
Machine weight T 10.7

Specifications are subject to change request without notice for improvement!

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